Becoming an Associate Club is the first step to becoming part of the great family of the Cigar Club Association. During the first year of membership within the Association, a new Club can only play the role of Associate Club, without voting rights in the assembly; once the first yearis over, it is possible to apply for the Member Club status.
What are the benefits of being an Associate Club?
The advantages of being an Associate Club? Associate Clubs receive 15 copies of each quarterly issue of the magazine "CIGARS!" ; they have the opportunity to promote their events through the channels of the Association and to join events organized by other Clubs; they have the opportunity to organize the course of Entrenamiento Basico, while they still need the supervision of a Member Club to organize the Course Catadores; they have the chance to receive assistance when organizing events or activities and can finally they can take advantage of the many benefits that CCA hasearned for its members.