The Tasting Panel of the Cigar Club Association relies on a scientific method of analysis, developed and improved over the years, which today is a true badge of honor for the Association. Cigars are evaluated by qualified and experienced tasters, who must pass a careful selection before joining the working group.
The tests are carried out blindly, reducing the information provided to the panelists to the bare minimum, only the very necessary to allow the most possibly objective analysis, using a standardized method that follows the CCA Tasting Card and ends with a summary judgment and a final score.
Over time, the CCA Panel has analysed a very large sample of cigars and continues to cover the whole panorama of the Italian and international slow smoking world.
The activity of the Tasting Panel working group brings a quarterly dossier to life, which is published jointly with the magazine CIGARS!
If you want to know how to read the CCA Panel dossier in the CIGARS! magazine, click here.
If you are a company and want to submit your cigars to the CCA Tasting Panel, click here.